Wednesday, July 01, 2009

ok. life seriously sucks rightnow. its like the worst its ever been. like school and everything going on around the world. it sucks. despite being considered an inffected country, our damn schools are still open. what the hell are they waiting for? we are a small country, its going to pass fast.... larger countries with fewer cases have already shut down schools. all the crap about students missing out on lessons is bull shit. our health is more important for goodness sake. i just really hate school. the fact that i have to actually be serious about it now sucks too. o level chinese oral's are freaking hell next thursady, wth. and i am far from doing well at o levels for every subject at the look of my mid years. it seems almost impossible from where i see it. so far, out of reach. it is scary how i feel like i cant do it when im supposed to know that i can do it. its freaky. its like everything i've worked for is finally coming to an end.end of secondary school, end of the tiresome constant studyi ng and strict rules. finally some REAL freedom. i need that so badly right now. i've been waiting for it for the longest time and now that im almost there but its going to take a lot of effort to reach there and be happy sucks. i no you cant gain anything without working but i simply think that it is an absolutely ridiculous amount of pressure they put on us just to get a damn piece of paper that approves whether or not you are allowed to work or continue studying or pursuing a passion or simply living in this constantly competing globalising world of ours. its stressful just to think about it and what's going to become of it.SIGH..... i guess this is the first stage in my life where i actually feel like cannot tahan already. and i know that there is nothing i can do but work towards attaining the best that i can do with it. i just have to tahan it and do it even if i feel like i cant cos its o levels for goodness sake's. you cant just not do it and expect to have a great life. a miracle would be needed for that to ever happen. i just dont like the idea of having to be qualified to pursue a passion. maybe its because im lazy but everyone has their own opinions and this is mine.. oh well. i just got to suck it all up and put myself out there and try my best. everything else would be a mystery. i really wish god could tell us his plans for us. i really wanna know. i also wish i could teleport through time and place. i could just skip this period of time and move on to the next. hopefully what comes after this is something so totally awesome cos i really need it.


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